Where I’m Coming From – A Short History

I’m genuinely stumped about what to write about this morning. Not that I’m hurting for subject matter, what with the ongoing shitshow in Hamilton and this morning’s developments out front of City Hall, but that’s actually part of the problem: There’s so much going on. I’m having trouble staying on top of it all, even if I’ve been following it much more closely than most. So I’m going to take a step back and write about… well, me, for a change.

You see, I was challenged, earlier this week, by a pissed-off Yellow Vester who demanded to know why anyone should give a shit about my opinion.

Despite being asked by an alt-right moron, that is actually a fair question. I call this blog “The Hungover Pundit“, and while I’ve manifestly earned the appellation “hungover” why should anyone put any weight to my claim of being a pundit? Where am I coming from that on my opinion should carry any weight whatsoever?

Twenty years of activism and progressive political agitation, that’s where. I’m an activist, and I’ve been an activist for half my life.

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Cui Bono?

I drove across the Burlington Skyway the other day; the first really hot and humid day of the summer. The sailboats were out on Hamilton harbour, and as I drove up the long slope of the bridge I could see the other thing which defines Hamilton in my mind: the visible layer of brown haze trapped between the escarpment and the steel mills. I’ve always loved the sailboats, but it’s the smog that says “Hamilton” to me.

I find myself doing these posts on Hamilton because the situation is evolving — or rather devolving — on a day-to-day basis. When last I wrote about this, on Friday, there was a glimmer of hope. Ceder Hopperton was waiting on the decision as to whether they’d violated their parole, and police had admitted that the only objectionable action they’d taken was to speak at a public meeting; surely justice would prevail and Hopperton would be freed.

Continue reading “Cui Bono?”

Pride 2019 Part 4 – The Dumpster Fire

I was really hoping to write about something – anything – else, but the crisis in Hamilton continues and it’s pretty much dominated my life for the last week, so this is what I have to offer as part of the ongoing saga of Pride 2019.

As of time of writing, Friday morning, Cedar Hopperton is still in jail. Their hearing in front of the parole board was yesterday… but there was a bit of a twist ahead of time. Police had revoked Hopperton’s parole because it was alleged they had violated it by participating in the Pride defence action when fascists and religious zealots attacked the Hamilton Pride gathering in Gage Park on June 15th. On Wednesday, July 3rd, Hopperton’s lawyer announced that the hearing was not about this alleged parole violation, but rather because Hopperton had spoken at a public meeting on June 18th during which they called out the police for their inaction.

Let that sink in for a moment: Police now allege Cedar Hopperton violated their parole for speaking at a public meeting.

Continue reading “Pride 2019 Part 4 – The Dumpster Fire”

Free Speech vs. Propaganda

About two months ago, before I started this blog, I responded to a Facebook post about that swastika-wearing asshole in NYC’s Union Square who was egged by a passer-by. My comment was Anyone who walks around saying “Hell yes, I’m a Nazi” deserves whatever happens to them and they should be grateful it wasn’t worse.

It’s been eight weeks, and I keep getting harassment on Facebook over that comment. Some threats of violence, lots of pedantic crap from alt-right undergrad boys “just trying to have a discussion”, and so forth. It seems to come in waves, so I assume that the link is being shared and re-shared to some subreddit frequented by alt-right incel edge-lords whose basement apartments reek of ramen, B.O. and poor lifestyle choices.

But the thing that irritates me — far more than being threatened with axe murder, by the way — is the repeated claim by the morons defending a swastika-wearing homophobe who was shitting-up everyone’s public space in New York that day that I’m suppressing his free speech with my opinion.

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It’s been seven days since anarchist and activist Cedar Hopperton was arrested for parole violations in relation to the fascist hate-group attack on the Pride festival in Hamilton, Ontario. Ironically, it appears that the very “parole violation” they were accused of — attending a rally that became violent — simply didn’t happen. Several members of the community have testified that Hopperton wasn’t at Pride, knowing that there was the potential for violence by fascists and religious zealots, so they stayed away, intending on keeping their parole in good faith. The Hamilton police, with no evidence, simply told the parole board to revoke Hopperton’s parole and they were arrested. To date, Hopperton has not been given any sort of court hearing or judicial process.

I’m not going to dive too deep into the absolute shitshow that is municipal politics in Hamilton at the moment. There’s plenty of media coverage about it, if you care to study how institutionalized homophobia and racism and impact a community. This post is about the fallout, and how people come together — or don’t — in support of each other.

Continue reading “Solidarity”