- This blog contains my opinions. It also contains rude language, venting, ranting and occasionally poetry. You’ve been warned.
- If you’re going to submit a comment on my blog, read this section first.
- If you’re going to submit a comment on my blog, read the article you’re commenting on first.
- In fact, read it twice before trying to submit your comment.
- All comments are moderated by me and automatic comment approval is off. All incoming comment submissions must be manually approved, so if your comment doesn’t come up immediately, that’s why. I try and review all comment submissions within forty-eight hours.
- Comments with typically alt-right terms of abuse like “cuck” “faggot” and “libtard” are automatically filtered straight into the trash, as are emails from one-shot and disposable email addresses.
- If your comment is not approved for publication on my blog, it’s not approved. Move on with your life, because I won’t be explaining myself or my decision, and I don’t generally listen to appeals.
- I also reserve the right to quote, analyze, censor, delete and/or mock any commentary on this blog. Opinions which differ from mine have a much better chance of being approved if they’re framed in intelligent, respectful language.
- Piss me off and I’ll ban you.
- I respond rather poorly to insults, attempts at censorship and threats in general so if that’s all you’ve got to contribute, don’t bother.
Rules for Reposting my Content
- This is my original content and work. It is my property, and I maintain all rights and ownership of my intellectual property.
- Feel free to link to my blog, but if you’re going to re-post more than, say, a paragraph or so, then you need to ask my permission. All re-posts must be credited to me, with a link to this blog.
- If you misquote me, misrepresent me, or take my words and use them out of context to justify a position I don’t support, or rip me off and try to pass off my uncredited work as your own, I will go medieval on your ass.
- If you’re making money off my original content, then you’ll need my written permission and I’ll want a piece of the action. Make money off me without my permission and I’ll skip the mister-nice-guy routine in #3 and go straight for the lawyers.