As promised, I’m trying to get back to a regular schedule of writing after a couple of weeks that have included a family emergency, doctors appointments, coordinating multiple travel plans over hundreds of kilometres and varying levels of mobility, a heavier-than-usual round of threats and harassment from the far right… and an increasingly bleak online search for news of the whereabouts and well-being of a friend in Rojava. (I’m not going to touch too much on that last in this blog post, but it’s been a constant source of low-grade anxiety for the last several days.)
Since the Mohawk College protest the alt-right’s online hate machine has been working overtime. I’ve caught some of the splash, having been identified by the Proud Boys as someone who one of their members punched and therefore as someone who has to be slagged in order to justify a coward’s criminal assault on a protester. Far worse, though, is the harassment that was (and still is) directed at Soufi’s restaurant in Toronto because one of their family was identified as a protester; the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion has also been the subject of a number of threats, many of which seem to be instigated and coordinated by the same group of co-conspirators.
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