
I did a survey the other day. I still hadn’t received my voter information card for this election, so I went to the Elections Canada website and double-checked that I was registered. (The card ended up coming in the mail that afternoon, so no worries.) After I went through that process, I was prompted to do a survey, so I figured “why not?”

One of the survey questions has stuck with me: What are your priorities for this election?

I’ve found myself thinking about that one a lot in the last few days. There’s a lot of stuff that I’m concerned about… but priorities? How do you choose?

I’m reminded of a job I used to have in IT where one of my co-workers had the habit of flagging every new ticket with “priority.” Eventually I had to explain that if everything is marked as a priority, then effectively nothing is a priority. You have to put some thought into it, and ticking a little box on an internet survey doesn’t really address the nuances.

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Another Damn Election

It’s 2021 and Canada is having an election. Again. For the third time in six years. In the middle of a global pandemic.

So yeah, I guess I’m writing about that this week.

Never mind that the world is literally on fire. Never mind that fascist terrorists are shooting up American cities and their Canadian wannabes are saying “get us some of that.” The total count of unmarked graves at former Residential schools is approaching 6,000. Never mind that schools are opening in two weeks and the delta variant is going to kill and cripple a lot of kids and as far as I can tell there’s not a single level of government in this country with a better plan than “Meh.”

Yeah, another election only twenty-three months after the last one is exactly the best way for our elected officials to be spending this September.

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The Proud Boys are Terrorists

I’m taking a break from physio exercises, anti-inflammatory meds, way too much time spent in MMOs and the general malaise of eleven months of pandemic self-isolation and/or official lockdowns-of-debatable-effectiveness to weigh in on this.

As of 12:30 EST today, Canada has added the “Proud Boys” to it’s official list of terrorist groups. Also designated were the Atomwaffen Division, the Russian Imperial Movement and The Base, as well as a number of Islamist extremist organizations linked to Daesh. This official designation as “Idealogically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) terrorist entities” gives law enforcement broader powers to investigate and charge these organizations as well as more tools to take down social media presence and place financial pressure on these organizations. Buy Proud Boys merch? That’s now a crime in Canada. Recruit for The Base? That’s a crime. Share videos from Atomwaffen or RIM? A crime.

(For a detailed breakdown of the far-right groups named, I highly recommend The Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s excellent post from earlier today.)

My thoughts about this are still developing and are somewhat varied, so this post is probably going to be all over the map, but I’ve always found writing to be a useful way of processing stuff, so here goes.

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Response to the Fifth Estate Doc

So… New Year, new resolutions. Now that I’ve got my health issues under control(ish), my computer rebuilt and my phone replaced, it’s time to get the motor running and get back to the regular writing and publishing schedule that I’ve been intending these past few months. So here goes.

On Sunday, January 5th, the CBC’s program The Fifth Estate ran a 23-minute documentary called Confronting Hate: How Antifa is Tracking the Extreme Right. In the documentary, CBC journalist Gillian Findlay interviews a number of antifascist activists, some anonymous, some not. It’s a pretty good look at what we do and despite some short-comings I think it’s worth the watch.

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Pride 2019 Part 3 — Cops and Nazis

It’s been a long, ugly week for LGBTQ people in Hamilton and the Niagara. The fallout from the fascist attack on the Hamilton Pride Festival has dominated the community since the 15th. Last Thursday Hamilton Police Chief Eric Girt doubled down on blaming the LGBTQ community for the slow and completely inadequate police response to the hate groups’ violence, infamously stating “We were not invited to the event. We were asked not to be at the event and we remained on the perimeter.”

A quick recap for clarity, if you’re just joining us: The Hamilton Police Service, like Hamilton city officials, were asked not to have an official presence at Pride ceremonies, and the HPS were specifically asked not to run a police recruiting booth at the Pride festival. This request was made because Hamilton Police have a very poor record of interacting with the LGBTQ community, including the perception of selective policing and especially with racial profiling, to the degree that many LGBTQ people in Hamilton feel uncomfortable around, if not outright threatened by, uniformed police.

Continue reading “Pride 2019 Part 3 — Cops and Nazis”